Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taipei Parks

It has been a while since I last updated my post. Life has been like a whirlwind for us. We are approaching our 3 month earmark. We came here to Taiwan in the heat of the summer under heavy sweat. Now the weather has changed to a breezy, cool, pleasant autumn which makes our walk to and fro from the office extra nice. But I sure miss the deep rich autumn colors of red, orange, green, brown etc.

We are just about to wrap up on our 2 months' training of Family History Support on the Internet. Very soon we'll have to do the real thing and work as world wide support missionaries .Scary indeed! There is no stepping back. We can only press forward in faith with a steadfastness in Christ.

A walk in the park is our favorite activity on weekends. We try to take our morning walk in the park too to enjoy the greens and to find a chance for proselyting or street contacting. Fortunately we have an easy access to some beautiful parks that are within walking distance.
Most of the people that frequent the parks are older folks on wheelchairs being pushed by their house helps.One morning we found 3 contacts, 2 of whom were Filipinos. In another park, we saw a parade of soldiers who were there for practice.But of all the parks, I like our tiny "temple square" the best. You just can feel the spirit of the Lord here. There are some who have joined the Church after they felt the spirit at the temple square tour.